粤双色7号 Guangdong Bi-color No.7
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粤双色7号是最新选育的黄白双色甜玉米品种。适合在广东,海南等地区种植。株高220cm 左右,穗位高81cm 左右,茎粗2. cm。平均单苞重达500g 左右,去苞叶后穗重400g 左右,穗长19.5cm, 穗粗5.4cm, 无秃顶,行数14-16行,行粒数平均43粒左右,粒深1.3cm 左右。整齐度好,植株壮旺,叶色浓绿,株叶型合理,抗病抗倒伏性强,后期保绿度好。鲜苞筒型,穗型美少旗叶外露,粒色黄白相间有光泽排列致密整齐,口感脆甜,皮较薄,少渣。获得国审玉 20220550

Characteristics:Bi-color high quality sweet corn, good resistance, wide adaptablity.

Features:Guangdong bi-color No.7 is the newly bred yellow and white bi-color sweet corn   variety. Suitable   for   planting in Guangdong, Hainan   and   other areas.About 220 cm in   plant height, about   81   cm   in   ear   height, and   about   2.1   cm   in   stem   diameter. The   average   corn ear   weight is about 500 g,after removing the husk is about 400 g, panicle length is   19.5 cm, panicle diameter is 5.4 cm, no bald spot, about   14-16   rows, per   row   about   43   grains, per   grain   about   1.3   cm   deep. Good   uniformity, strong   plants, dark   green leaf, reasonable   leaf   type, strong   disease   resistance   and   lodging   resistance, good   green   retention   in   the   later   period.Fresh bract tube type, beautiful eartype, small flag   leaves, no   exposure, a   mix   of tasty white   and yellow   kernels, shiny, compact   and neat, crisp   and   sweet   taste, thin   skin, less   residue. Obtained Guo Shen Yu 20220550.
