新美彩甜糯 Xin Mei Colorful Sweet Waxy
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特征特性:紫白双色甜糯玉米单交种,甜糯粒比为1:3。该品种在广东春种,从出苗到鲜穗采收78天左右,秋种72天左右(不同地区不同季节熟期不同)。株高190-210厘米,穗位高80-90厘米,穗长 18-20cm,穗粗约4.9cm,穗行数14-16行。果穗长筒型,穗形整齐,籽粒颜色紫白相间,色彩亮丽,排列整齐。栽培条件优良单棒鲜重可达500克。品质优丰产性好,风味鲜糯可口,适宜鲜食和加工。抗大、小斑病,中抗纹枯病和茎腐病。


Features: hybrid purple and white bi-color sweet waxy corn, sweet grain to waxy grain ratio is 1:3. Planting in Guangdong spring need about 78 days to harvest, and about 72 days in autumn (different regions sowing in different seasons have different harvest periods). Plant height is 190-210 cm, ear height is 80-90 cm, 18-20 cm long, about 4.9 cm in diameter, 14-16 rows. Great shape, purple and white grains, bright color, neatly arranged. The fresh weight of a single stick can reach 500 grams. Good quality and high yield, fresh and delicious flavor, suitable for fresh food and processing. Resistance to northern corn leaf blight disease, southern corn leaf blight disease, medium resistance to rhizoctonia banded leaf sheath blight disease and stalk rot disease.

Characteristics: strong ear, long tube ear type, green bracts
