炫彩甜糯 Colorful Sweet Waxy
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特征特性:紫白双色甜糯玉米单交种。广东省内可春秋两李种植,春播生育期80天左右,秋播生育期72天左右。株高190-210厘米, 穗位高80-90厘米。果穗长筒状,籽粒颜色紫白相间,色彩亮丽,糯甜粒比例为3:1,口感甜糯,品质优。穗长18-20cm,行数14-16行,穗粗约5.1cm。单苞鲜重可达500克以上。抗大、小斑病,中抗纹枯病与茎腐病。


Features: hybrid purple and white bi-color sweet waxy

spring and autumn, while need 80 days to mature in spring and 72 days in autumn. Plant height is 190 to 210 cm and ear height is 80-90 cm. The ear is long tubular, purple and white kernels, bright, the ratio of waxy grain and sweet grain is 3:1, excellent quality.The ear is 18-20cm long, 14-16 rows, and about 5.1 cm in diameter. Single ear can reach more than 500 grams in fresh weight. Resistance to northern corn leaf blight disease, southern corn leaf blight disease, medium resistance to rhizoctonia banded leaf sheath blight disease and stalk rot disease.

Characteristics: strong panicle, bright color, tube type ear, green bracts
