金绿26号 Golden Green No.26
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生长势特强,耐热、耐寒性佳。 叶柄中等,叶色青绿,叶柄绿色,头部较粗。 叶大,品质柔嫩,纤维少。 亚热带地区全年可播种。 植株约25-28厘米。 重量约60-80克。 播种后约30-35天可采收。

The growth potential is particularly strong, and the heat and cold resistance are good. The petioles are medium, the leaf color is greenish, the petiole is green, and the head is thick. The leaves are large, the quality is tender, and the fiber is low. Sowing is available all year round in the subtropics. The plant is about 25-28 cm. The weight is about 60-80 grams. It can be harvested about 30-35 days after sowing.
